Mind Maps + Productivity

Ramili is a simple tool designed to streamline your productivity journey. Starting with a mind map, an effective ideation tool, Ramili seamlessly transforms your thoughts into a structured Kanban workflow. This transition not only enhances your project organization but also provides a clear visual representation of your tasks, making it easier to track progress.


Mind Map View: A Creative Ideation Tool


Ramili's Mind Map view offers a non-linear approach to brainstorming and organizing ideas. Central to the mind map is a main idea, from which branches radiate, representing related subtopics. This visual structure encourages free-flowing thought and helps you explore different interconnected concepts.

Kanban View: A Visual Task Management Tool


Ramili's Kanban view presents your project as a series of columns representing different stages of completion (e.g., To-Do, In Progress, Done). Each task is represented as a card, which can be easily moved between columns as its status changes. This visual representation provides a clear overview of your project's progress and helps you identify potential bottlenecks.